Frequently Asked Questions
How do I cancel an order?
If the order is placed online, it can be canceled in the user panel. But if placed via call, the customer needs to call or chat with our customer care executive over the website.How do I get a refund?
You can claim your refund for a sealed battery pack. The customer is still bound to pay the visit charges of the technician. We guar5antee a 100% product refund within 1-2 working days.How do I modify an order?
The modification of the shipment is available prior to dispatch only. The customer can alter the placed order without any restriction on the price band.How do I track an order?
The product delivery is within 60 minutes and during that period customer can track his/her shipment of order via call or chat available at the website itself.Why is my order delayed?
The order can be delayed due to the following reasons.- Traffic heavier than. usual
- Rain/natural buffer
- Any mislead given to the technician
- Any change in drop or installation spot from customer end